parenting simplified Lily Morgan


I'm Lily, a family therapist. I'm excited to share tips and ideas to make parenting more effective and fun.

Enjoy the journey!

One of the best things to do for your kids

One of the best things to do for your kids

Eat dinner together! Eating together is a simple way to help your family bond and stay close. Research shows that eating dinner as a family helps kids boost their vocabulary, do better in school and sports, and lowers obesity. Also, kids have less stress and better relationships. 


Ways to make dinnertime successful

·      Plan ahead. 

·      Have your children participate. They can set the table, wash vegetables, put napkins at each place setting, etc.

·      Come to dinner with great questions. The Internet is full of conversation starters.

·      I know this all sounds like more work! But seriously the pay off is bigger than the work.  The extra 10-15 minutes of preparation will pay big dividends as your children grow up.


A few great questions

·      What are two things you are grateful for?

·      What made you feel happy today?

·      If you had this week to do over again, what would you do differently?

·      Would you rather go without television or junk food for the rest of your life?

·      What super power would you like to have? Why?

·      Would you rather wrestle a lion or fight a shark?


Things to avoid

·      Having dinner together only benefits your family if you are having conversation and creating an enjoyable environment.

·      Avoid: yelling, scolding, watching TV, having phones at the table, interrupting and sitting in silence.


Things to do

·      Let every person have a turn to talk. A good trick is using a talking stick (it can be a chopstick or anything) and only the person holding the stick can talk.

·      Tell jokes and riddles

·      Ask open-ended questions. Come to the table with good questions.

·      Listen

·      Share a story about your day to get the kids to share their stories.

·      Remember, you set the tone. Be positive and have fun.

·      Encourage good behavior by noticing and praising good table manners. 

Fun ways to encourage good behavior

Fun ways to encourage good behavior

Simple ways to help kids manage anxiety

Simple ways to help kids manage anxiety