parenting simplified Lily Morgan


I'm Lily, a family therapist. I'm excited to share tips and ideas to make parenting more effective and fun.

Enjoy the journey!

Tips for getting ready for school

Tips for getting ready for school

Start preparing your kids before school starts so the first day goes easier. 


Here are some quick tips


·      Start getting into a routine a few weeks before school starts.

·      Set a bedtime. Start getting your kids to bed and up in the mornings a few weeks before school. This will get you prepared too!

·      Get your child in the habit of choosing an outfit the night before.

·      Practice leaving the house in time to make it to school.

·      Begin a morning routine chart to help your kiddos know what is expected and to help them be more independent in the mornings.

·      Pull out their backpack and get them excited by getting new school supplies.

·      Take them shopping and let them choose something new for school.  A new outfit is always fun. But, it doesn’t need to be expensive; you can let them choose a pencil box, new crayons or new markers.

·      Your kids can help you buy a box of kleenex to donate to their classroom.

·      Go to the school and play on the playground or walk around the school if it is open to get them accustomed to being there.

·      Talk about how exciting it is for them to be big enough to go to school!






Simple ways to help kids manage anxiety

Simple ways to help kids manage anxiety

Easy ways to be an intuitive and aware parent

Easy ways to be an intuitive and aware parent